Content Security for ECM
Know ECM user activity and manage content security data in one place.

Reveille monitors how ECM users access content from both web user interaction and custom-built API-driven ECM applications.
Safeguard business-critical content and processes
With Reveille User Analytics, all the the necessary metrics for a comprehensive content security system are captured automatically and based on actual usage, including:
- ^Transaction count
- ^Transaction type
- ^User details
- ^Transaction information
- ^Server and client details
- ^Transaction date and time
- ^Transaction duration
- ^More
Have an effective ECM content security system
When a metric count or volume threshold is crossed that indicates unusual content security access, a notification can be sent to the application and security teams.
- ^Automatically disable access if rules are broken
- ^ECM content security data in one place
- ^Efficiently report via PDF and excel exports
- ^Deployable in days
Solutions for ECM

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