By Brian DeWyer, Reveille CTO

The enterprise content management (ECM) aka content services platform (CSP) market continues to evolve at an accelerating pace. As these content applications add new capabilities and functionality, the product team at Reveille remains committed to implementing a range of new features and enhancements that are designed to help our customers get the most value from their ECM systems and applications.
We recently introduced a new update to the Reveille platform Version 8 (build # 02052021) that includes more than 17 new capabilities and product enhancements. At a high level these new capabilities are primarily focused around providing our users with deeper coverage for their various cloud environments and making it easier to connect other third-party applications to and from the Reveille platform information. To facilitate reporting on user analytics, we have also added support to popular container environments such as Docker that will help streamline the collection of user analytics and have introduced new integrations to improve the product’s data visualization capabilities.
Committed to the Cloud
Customer feedback is the primary driver of all of our product updates and among one of the very top requests we’ve heard is to support the many flavors of cloud infrastructures that are being used to deliver content applications to users. Whether you are running your content applications in a public, private, or hybrid environment or are in the process of migrating from one to another, we’ve introduced several improvements to facilitate this process. This includes native support for public cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure Windows Virtual Machines, AWS EC2 Windows instances, and Google Compute Platform Windows Servers instances.
Connectivity that Promotes Intelligence
Another key focus with our latest build is to help customers as they consider moving ECM workloads to popular public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Compute Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure (Azure). With this goal in mind, our latest update now provides augmented support for Azure SQL databases including Active Directory password authentication, as well as new database support for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and support for Reveille servers running instances in Microsoft Azure Windows VM, AWS EC2 Windows and Google Compute Platform Windows Server. And once you are operating ECM workloads across different public clouds, on-premises, or hybrid scenarios, Reveille cloud ready metrics provides you the contextual understanding of your ECM operations through the ‘last’ mile visibility.
The Road Ahead
Our product roadmap will include two additional updates that are currently scheduled for release in June and October of this year. While the feature sets are subject to change in response to customer feedback, our current priorities are to expand our support for container and common orchestration environments and also anticipate bringing new features related to supporting AWS and GCP cloud services. You can also expect to see deeper coverage and support for additional ECM platforms.
If there are other features or enhancements or you would like to see prioritized in an upcoming release, please let us know by emailing
To see the complete summary notes for the latest build of Reveille Version 8, click here.